SQL Server: Functions in SQL Database and their Types.

Aman Sharma
Functions in SQL server:
Function in SQL server is a set of statements or block of statements. Function is a database object that accepts zero or more parameters and return Output. Function can return two types or output i.e. Single value (scalar) or Table. We can’t modify data using functions, i.e. insert, update and delete.
Functions are different from stored procedures. Functions must return a value, but stored proc may or may not return a value.  For More difference between Stored Proc and Functions, Read the article:

Type of Functions:
A.      System Defined Functions
B.      User defined functions

A.      System Defined Functions:  These are the inbuilt functions in SQL server.  There Are two type of system defined function:

1.      Scalar Functions: These functions accept input parameter and return single value.
   Some Useful Scalar Functions In SQL SERVER
Generate random no of 5 characters
Convert string to Upper case i.e. TEST
Convert string to lower case i.e. test
ltrim(' test)
Remove spaces from left side of string
Return absolute no of given input i.e. 5.6

2.  Aggregate Functions: These functions accept collection of values as input and generate single value result.      

  Some Useful Aggregate Functions In SQL SERVER
Returns Average value from collection of values
Returns minimum  value from collection of values
Returns maximum value from collection of values
Returns count of collection of values

B.      User defined Function:  

User defined functions are created by users in database.  Two types of user defined functions are there in SQL server:
1.      Scalar valued user defined Functions
2.      Table value User defined  Functions

1.      Scalar Valued UDF:  User defined scalar function returns single value as a result of function. We can return any data-type value from function.
Create Table:

Create Scalar Valued Function:

Create function fnGetStudent_Info
@age int
returns int
Begin return (Select COUNT(*) from Student_info where Age=@age);

Execute Function:

select dbo.fnGetStudent_Info(25) as 'TotalNo'


2.      Table Valued UDF: 

User defined Table Valued functions returns table variable as a result. There are two types of table value functions:

1.      Inline Table Valued: Returns table variable as a result.

Create Function:
Create function fnGetStudent()
returns Table
return (Select * from Student_info )

Execute Function:
select * from fnGetStudent()


2.      Multi- statement Table valued UDF:

It returns table variable as result of action performed by function. Table must be declared and defined explicitly. Value of table variable will be derived from multiple statements.
Create Function:

Create function fnGetMULStudent()
returns @Student Table
Student_Id int,
Name varchar(100),
class varchar(100)

insert into @Student select s.Student_id, s.Student_name,S.class from Student_info s

update @Student set class='MPhill' where Student_id=6

Execute Function:

select * from fnGetMULStudent()


Limitations or Restriction in Functions:
1.       Function cannot be used to perform action that can modify data ex. Insert, Update & Delete.
2.       User-defined functions cannot return multiple result sets. Functions return single value.
3.       Function does not support Error handling. TRY…CATCH, @ERROR or RAISERROR are restricted.
4.       Functions cannot call a stored procedure, but can call an extended stored procedure.
5.       We can’t use dynamic SQL or temp tables in functions. Table variables are allowed.
6.       SET statements are not allowed in a user-defined function. Ex set ROWCOUNT etc.
7.       User Defined Function can't returns XML Data Type.
8.       User-defined functions can be nested; that is, one user-defined function can call another. Function can be nested up to 32 levels.

9.       Function accepts only input parameters (unlike stored procedure).

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